How do we reorient toward healthy relationship with self, one another and this Earth?

We believe our Inner Compass is guided by creative practices and grounded in our natural world.

We lead workshops and 1-1 coaching sessions for folks in transition to reconnect with their inner compass and continue growing with care, compassion, and connection.

We predominantly work with:

  • Youth moving through puberty

  • Teen girls/female identifying students through GLOW

  • Mothers moving through pregnancy & postpartum

  • Women who want to reconnect with their wild self

Workshops, Coaching & Programs

All workshops,1-1 coaching & programs integrate our natural world and creative practices to guide us toward healthy relationship with self, other, & earth.

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For Youth

1-1 Coaching: 1-1 or small group sessions focusing on healthy relationship with self, other and earth.

Inner Compass Workshops: Customized workshops focusing on communication, group dynamics, and creative expression

Growth & Development Workshops: We offer private small group workshops focusing on puberty & comprehensive sex education


For Mothers

Pregnancy & Postpartum Workshops: Reorient during pregnancy to your creative, wild self through visioning, writing, drawing, and sharing in a safe community

Birth Coach: We offer a series of 1-1 and partner workshops to prepare the pregnant person and/or partner for supported, compassionate birth no matter the type of birth experience you have.

Custom Postpartum Journals: We create one of a kind postpartum journals with personalized quotes, prompts and collages for mothers entering the postpartum transition.



GLOW: Girls Loving Ourselves & the World. A healthy relationship program for girls and female-identifying students.

For 4 years, our team has planned, guided, and led weekly sessions serving over 40 8th grade students through talking circles, conflict resolution, and expressive arts activities.


“I’m so appreciative that I got the chance to have you as my mentor because you opened my eyes to the beauty of emotions and the world around me.”

— Emma, a teenage participant

Reorient with Wild Women Retreats


Coming Fall 2024, we’re excited to offer 1/2 day and full day, overnight retreats for mothers in the beautiful Sonoran Desert to reconnect with their wild selves through intentional nature-based activities, creative workshops, and powerful circles.


New & Full Moon Circles


Coming Fall 2024, we look forward to hosting free new moon and full moon gatherings for community to gather, sing, create, reflect and share in balance with the cycles of light and dark that we always live within.