Summer Camps

To learn more see below

In 2021, we wrapped up our first Inner Compass Learning Academy, June 14-18. 9 students, ages 14-17, participated in camp hosted at The Gregory School where 10 facilitators/community members and I explored theme connecting to self, one another, and this earth. We wrote poems and created kinscapes; we played games and hugged trees; we learned about mutual aid and community problems; we explored identity focusing on race, ethnicity, gender, sex and age; we co-created a list of all the skills we began to practice. Thank you to all 9 participants!

You can read about the camp from our journalism apprentice’s article: The Inner Compass Experience by Braedan MacDowell.

Youth Leadership Academy

June 14-18. Ages 14-18
In-person, The Gregory School. 9:30-3**

Price: $300*

This 5-day intensive academy builds on the Inner Compass curriculum of loving self, trusting self, and celebrating self in connection to community and earth. Students will gain a series of somatic, NVC (nonviolent communication), and IFS (internal family systems) strategies specifically connected to being teens in this world.

We will explore identity, reclaim creative voices, learn with guest speakers who are facilitators, doctors, and artists, write/produce and share creative pieces, engage with social change groups in Tucson through mutual aid frameworks and connect with nature through a hike. This camp is ideal for the young person who wants to learn more strategies to love and celebrate themselves, to connect with others in meaningful ways, to find a place of belonging in community, and to share truth aloud.

*No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please inquire through Contact Page to discuss partial and full scholarship options.

**Due to COVID precautions, lunch not included; please bring lunch and snacks

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