GLOW: Girls Loving Ourselves & the World

GLOW is an emergent program with a mission to co-create a community of care with middle school girls and female-identifying students to explore loving relationships with self, community and earth.

We began in 2021 at Imago Dei Middle School hosting weekly GLOW groups. We have worked with 40+ students as we embark on our 4th year.

The GLOW Curriculum is unique in that we ask the participants to tell us what they want to learn about at the start of each year, and then we weave those topics into lesson plans and activities.

  • Love Self

    We integrate various self-love strategies into our daily and weekly routines.

    Curriculum Has Included:

    Body Scan

    Emotions Check-In

    Self Portraits

    Nature Walks

    Self Care Routines

    Identity Work: Gender & Sexuality

  • Love Community

    We learn together how to work through hard things so that we, as a community, become stronger.

    Curriculum Has Included:

    How to Set Boundaries

    Whole Group Share Circles

    Types of Relationships

    Social Media Health

    Prioritize Healthy Relationships

    Contribute to our Community

  • Love Earth

    We practice reciprocity with the land to deeper connect with this Earth and to find pathways of hope.

    Curriculum Has Included:

    Plant Teachers

    Urban Nature Walks

    Tea Rituals

    Hikes in Tucson Mountains

    Nature-Inspired Reading


Bella, 2023-2024 Participant in GLOW

“Something that stood out to me that is really unique is you get to pick out what you want to learn…instead of an adult, who doesn’t know you too well, saying ‘You need to learn this and this,’ they give you that trust and opportunity to pick out what you want extra guidance in.”

Clem, 2021-2022 Participant

“What I learned from GLOW is that you’re never really alone in anything and that it’s ok to open up to the people around you. Femme group gave me a sense of community and helped me get closer to my peers.”

Meet the Team

  • Kristen Sawyer (she/her)


    Learn More about Kristen here

  • Kaya Teyechea (they/them)


    Learn more about Kaya here

  • Jazmine Lopez (she/her)


    Learn more about Jazmine here

Want to Learn More about GLOW?

Tucson, Arizona

Working, learning, and caring on the present and ancestral held lands of the Tohono O’odham peoples